Calgary to Seville, Spain – 4th April 2024

Today we started a trip to uncharted territories and out of our usual comfort zone. Normally, we avoid warm weather countries purely because they are hot, and we’ve turned into igloo dwellers. We are setting off on a 26-day odyssey of exploring portions of Spain and Portugal. Neither of us are fully committed to this new “playground” but we do hope (like our foray down to Arizona as trial Snowbirds) that we embrace this different adventure and have a bloody good time in the process.

It all commenced with a ludicrous awakening at the ungodly hour of 6.00am. Some final packing for us plus the last of Toques  as she is moving in and taking over the lives of our friends Bruce and Ruth for the duration of our adventure. Bruce and Ruth only just returned from their three-week holiday in Spain and Portugal last week, so we will get some last-minute words of wisdom from them.

So this is Toques paraphernalia taking up the entire boot of the car.

And this is our total luggage!!!! Not quite carry on but close to.

Dropping Toque off is always difficult as her baleful eyes tell us that we are yet again abandoning her.

We leave a snowy Calgary with a forecast of 15-30cm of snow in the next 24 hours and we should arrive in Seville to a clime of sun and +27c – you have to like that.

We have condemned ourselves to a 10-hour Air Canada flight (aka Air Canakistan) to Frankfurt and then switch to the Luftwaffe for our final leg to Seville.

The second leg is only 3 hours. We will see you all on the dark side. Might be a few days before we blog again as will be doing the jet lag thing for the first 48 hours.

4 thoughts on “Calgary to Seville, Spain – 4th April 2024

  1. you will need plenty of sun block and much less clothes.

    have a safe journey and keep up the blogs.


      1. its always sunny with you two. We have had nothing but rain for the last 6 weeks. Keep up the blogs, we just love reading them. Xxxx


  2. Hi guys,

    we wish you a great time in Southern Europe, you will enjoy it

    We are looking forward to reading your adventures and how you get along.

    Love from

    Wolfgang & Marlene


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